Wednesday, August 3, 2011

kalau saya da suka..hee =)

The score was not published until 1867, 40 years after the composer's death. The discoverer of the piece, Ludwig Nohl, affirmed that the original autographed manuscript was dated 27 April 1810. This manuscript has been lost.
It is not certain who "Elise" was. Max Unger suggested that Ludwig Nohl may have transcribed the title incorrectly and the original work may have been named "Für Therese",a reference to Therese Malfatti von Rohrenbach zu Dezza (1792–1851). She was a friend and student of Beethoven's to whom he proposed in 1810, though she turned him down to marry the Austrian nobleman and state official Wilhelm von Droßdik in 1816. According to a recent study by Klaus Martin Kopitz, there is flimsy evidence that the piece was written for the German soprano singer Elisabeth Röckel (17931883), later the wife of Johann Nepomuk Hummel. "Elise", as she was called by a parish priest (she called herself "Betty" too), had been a friend of Beethoven's since 1808. In the meantime the Austrian musicologist Michael Lorenz has shown that Rudolf Schachner, who in 1851 inherited Therese von Droßdik's musical scores, was the illegitimate son of Babette Bredl (who in 1865 let Nohl copy the autograph in her possession). Thus the autograph must have come to Babette Bredl from Therese von Droßdik's estate and Kopitz's hypothesis is refuted.
The pianist and musicologist Luca Chiantore argued in his doctoral thesis and his recent book "Beethoven al pianothat Beethoven might not have been the person who gave the piece the form that we know today. Chiantore suggested that the original signed manuscript, upon which Ludwig Nohl claimed to base his transcription, may never have existed. On the other hand, the musicologist Barry Cooper stated, in a 1984 essay in the Musical Times, that one of two surviving sketches closely resembles the published version. 

suka sayang rindu them all

i miss them so much.haha..saya sekarang suda mempunyai juz anak angkat lah..i'm so damn hepy when they call me MAMA.mereka suma anak saya..tapi yang paling saya sayang ialah......nurin...saya sayang dya sbb dya slalo dengar cakap saya..yang mana 1 nurin..?ampa cari la sendiri..hee..dya yang paling comel lah kat situ..hmmm...SAYA NAK JALAN-JALAN cam NYH LAGIK! besama anak-anak saya yang comel..<3<3<3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

saya hanya ada kamo

hahaha..saya sayang anda..anda tidak percaya?baeklah..tanya sama pokok...atiqah sayang sapa aaa..jawab angin kamo ber2..ha suda.! aku da gila meroyan tengah pagi buta kare nyh...saya sayang mereka sebanyak mana?fuhhh..ta dapat nak digambarkan lah disini...sebanyak mana oxygen yang aku penah sedut kat muka bumi nyh la kot...aku sayang mereka.aku sayang mereka.aku sayang mereka.HAHA.aku nyh gagap sebab tu aku tulis pon berulang ulang..mereka ta penah tinggalkan aku walaupon susa tahap gaban. bila senang pon depa ta tinggal aku..banggang la kalo depa tinggal aku bila senang..maleh nak cakap banyak.I LOVE BOTH OF YOU DAMN MUCH LAH.! MUAHAHA..for hasnina a.k.a toyol botol and nurulikma a.k.a bantal busuk .
 by : atiqahsabirin comel

Friday, February 4, 2011

kenduri oh kenduri

wah wah wah...kenduri org kami yang pulon lebih plak kan...kami suma munx camnyh. dilahirkan untuk pulun semata-mata..cakap punya cakap aku ta bagitaw pon depa nyh sapa noh.depa nyh sumanya kezen-kezen aku.mereka nyh sangat sangatlah terbaek.juz yang sebelah tue ja adek aku..urm aku nyh ampa taw ta yang mana satu??tgok yang paling cun tue..ak lah si baju hijau.cun arn??haha..ta cakap pon ak da taw..urm ceta pasai knduri nyh, ak sempat dok sat ja sbb aku tepaksa blk awai kerna disebabkan perot aku macam jebon..syok punya syok tetiba ja sentot.bebai teros aku..dala nk jumpa depa nyh suma susa..susa bebenor..maklomlah suma da hal masing-masing.tapi nak wat camna ag kan da kententuan dariNya.aku terima dengan redha...haha..sok suci aja...tapi ngak papa kok...ok la.ta apa da nak dibebelkan..bye!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

idola besar ku.!!

hurm..picture yang manja teruk nyh is my mama and abah. i love them so many much. more and more than i love chipsmore. more than words lah. senang kit ceta. meh cneh wey, aku nak ceta pasai depa nyh kat ampa suma. kepada siapa saja yang nak ngorat aku kena lah dapat permission depa nyh lu. kalo ta....ampa konfem kena reject teros..seyez wey, depa nyh nampak ja cam cengee tapi kalo da kenal rapat..tobat bley kamcing jadik geng. depa munx senang msok pala ngn sapa pon janji ta pulon lebey suda....urm..ta taw ceta pa da...dala..tata